Slow Fashion: Buying fewer garments of higher quality and perfect fit, which last longer, are worn regularly and enjoyed.

Q: How did Slow Fashion come about?
A: Slow Fashion is a movement that started in Italy back in the 80’s as a celebration of well-made clothing. It was a backlash to the cheap, fast fashion that was appearing in shops around that time. Fast fashion has not gone away and has become synonymous with terrible working conditions for employees, low quality synthetic fabrics and little concern for the environment. (Plastic found in the ocean comes from microfibres found in cheap synthetic fabrics.)
Q: How can Saint Crispin help steer us towards more sustainable purchases?
A: Worldwide we throw away 2.1 billion tons of fashion. Some Fast Fashion garments are made with ‘planned obsolescence‘. This is so they fall apart after a number of wears. Unwanted garments are sent to Africa , for re-sale (our argument being that the poorest continent needs free clothing.) This has unfortunately, decimated their indigenous clothing business. What’s left is left to rot in huge piles of landfill. Some well known clothing brands have been known to pollute the environment by burning tonnes of unsold stock.
Buying carefully with a well thought out plan is the way forward. (I’ve been in menswear for many years and have my own tailoring business here at Saint Crispin for 10 years.) When you create a wardrobe of quality, made-to-measure clothes utilising the colours and styles that suit you best, you will buy fewer garments and they will work harder for you. The end result is a wardrobe which serves the demands of your daily activities, give you far more outfit choices than you thought possible – a well-curated capsule wardrobe of clothes. When you visit for an appointment, I’ll guide you through the colours and styles that suit your shape and lifestyle best.
Q: Is trying to be more sustainable going to be very expensive?
A: For those of you who are familiar with Saint Crispin Bespoke Menswear, you will know I have a very simple message, ‘cost per wear.’ The business suit with two pairs of trousers, the five made-to-measure shirts you wear for work on rotation. They are more expensive than ‘off-the-peg,’ but are going to work hard for you, will look good and feel comfortable. They won’t just hang in the wardrobe, they’ll be worn regularly and enjoyed.
The clothes you purchase are timeless and can stand being laundered regularly and still look great. They will fit you perfectly and won’t go out of fashion. Paying a little more for made-to-measure clothes and choosing quality over quantity, will reduce the amount you need to buy in the long run.
Q: How do I put together a more sustainable working wardrobe?
A: How would you describe your lifestyle? Do you frequently socialise in the evenings? Wear a business suit daily for work? Need more casual clothes to work from home?
A: good variety of shirts in different colours and fabrics will give you more flexibility to dress up or dress down suiting. A good quality jacket and several pairs of trousers, chinos or jeans are a good option. Identify where you’re struggling to put outfits together, and I can guide you to make cost-effective targeted choices. Only invest money into what you really love to wear. It’s time to shop for clothes more effectively, saving you time and money.
Q: I’d really like to get to grips sorting out my wardrobe. Do you know anyone who can help me?
A: Fed up with your wardrobe that’s full of clothes and feel like you’ve got nothing to wear? Make an appointment to have a chat with me. I can help you take the first step to buying clothes that are stylish, comfortable, and fit you perfectly. Garments from Saint Crispin Bespoke Menswear use fabrics from quality suppliers. Many have been in the clothing business for decades. Loro Piana Cloth, can trace their fabrics back to specific flocks of sheep, which are specially bred and nurtured for their beautiful wool.
Becoming more mindful about your purchases is better for the environment and your pocket. Need help to go through your wardrobe to separate those items that can be donated to charity, repaired and/altered, re-styled or given away? I recommend the services of IMAGE MATTERS. Fashion stylist, Jane Sumner is highly experienced and she can help you make your wardrobe function in a much better and more organised way.